Making The Jump To Accepting Online Tuition Payments | Setting up your Business Invoices on PayPal

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Have you been thinking about moving moving to more online practices? From sending out Welcome Packet emails instead of through snail mail, or monthly tuition emails, or even start accepting online payments for tuition online.

I recently l made the switch to accept payments via PayPal and let me tell you, IT HAS BEEN AMAZING! No more awkward face to face “I haven’t received tuition for the month” conversations because you can just send a “REMINDER” through PayPal. Plus you can create a template for invoices and all you do is plug in the address of who it’s to, amount, and I include a copy of the lesson summary I make as well, set a due by date and off it goes! And I’m getting all my student’s tuitions paid on time, easily!

Plus with the REPORTS it made our taxes so easy because it separated out income, outcome and even our fees, yes fees, a portion of your income will be used to pay PayPal, but you can take that information to your tax expert to have them enter it into your taxes and deductions.

Let me walk you through.

First you must set it up as a business account, because you are running a business.

Once it’s set up as a business you can set up your invoices. Click CREATE INVOICE in the left sidebar or under the drop down list of TOOLS—> Invoices—>Create Invoice.

Add your logo and business information. And save as template. I personally use the Amount only template.

Add reference information (i.e. May Tuition)

Add due date

TYPE: Services

BILL TO: Add your students information, and once you enter it once you just have to pull their info from the address book and you are good to go!

For the description portion I only use Description and Amount. That’s it look at my example below:

setting up tuition invoice for paypal.png

Then ATTACH FILE: This is where I attach my official lesson summary PDF for the individual student.

Preview, and if everything looks okay, SEND!

Also with the new option for those parents that still prefer to pay by check and I’m sending their monthly lesson summary via email, I have been including a link option to my page as an option for them to just click the link and pay or still pay by check. But they have an easy option to pay online without having an invoice pre made for them.

I’ve been loving the simplicity of receiving the tuition online, and the whole process is documented easily and done!

Happy Teaching!

xo, Becky